Dr Strecker is the only Otolaryngologist practicing on the Peninsula. He provides ON-CALL services at Peace Arch Hospital and Surrey Memorial Hospital
You may have been referred to him for an urgent or non urgent problem.
Otolaryngology is the specialty that involves medical problems including: facial reconstruction, facial skin cancer, functional and aesthetic nasal problems, sinus problems, voice problems, throat problems, head and neck cancer, ear and hearing problems.
Some problems in Otolaryngology can be readily solved with general treatment and others require a more specialized treatment. Dr Strecker manages most general Otolaryngology problems. Dr Strecker also specializes in nasal surgery, eyelid surgery, facial skin cancer reconstruction and other facial reconstruction and aesthetics and performs more complex surgery in these areas. Although Dr Strecker manages most issues in Otolaryngology, he may refer you to a colleague if your problem requires more specialized care.